
Exam season is drawing nearer and nearer, and you’ll soon have to start revising if you want to pass your exams without a nervous breakdown. Follow our #studygoals to prepare yourself, and start studying in time for once!


This is probably the most difficult to accomplish from all the goals, since it’s very easy to convince yourself to delay that first session. The most important thing is to sit down and get down to business as early as possible, even if you only do an hour of revision the first day. This will help you get used to the idea of studying, and you’ll also realize it’s not as bad as it seems if you start early enough.


Try being honest with yourself, and figure out how much work you’ll actually need to be doing. Prioritize your tasks, and set realistic goals. Don’t kid yourself that you are able to prepare for an exam with 2 days of studying and an all-nighter, because it’s not likely to happen, and this is the best way to destroy your health and lose motivation. Spread out your tasks, and incorporate exercise, me time, and socializing into your daily plans. Be smart about it, and try to find a balance!


Cat shaped post-its? A rubber shaped like a dead man’s foot? Bring it on! Adding fun and colorful details to an otherwise rather boring and monotonous activity can boost your powers in the long run. Of course, you probably won’t need 20 different highlighters for an exam season, but then again, who’s gonna stop you?


A lot of people severely mistreat their bodies in the exam season, and you’ve probably seen your share of zombie-like creatures haunting the libraries operating solely on caffeine.  Although at first glance, it seems like a good idea to skip meals and save a precious half an hour of studying, it will come back to haunt you after a while. Exam season puts a lot of stress on your body, so make sure to it well, and drink enough fluids. Your brain needs the energy!


Try finding a space that works for you, where you can focus your attention to the work in front of you. Some people thrive in coffee shops, while others find it impossible to compose an email with people chatting around them. It’s important to find what works for you, so you can do your best every day. Sometimes, you can even imitate the sound of your favorite places with noise generators! The most popular study places include libraries (duh), coffee shops, and your own place, but you might want to spice it up and try new things. For example, have you ever tried studying outside or in a museum?


There’s nothing worse than suffering on your own, while your friends are out partying. Probably there are a lot of people who are also cramming for the upcoming exams, so team up and try revising together. This can also work if you generally like studying on your own: getting together to discuss the material or to quiz each other may help you realize what your weak spots are. And also, it’s just great when someone understands the suffering you are going through.


This is a joke, right? Well, not really. Keep your goals in mind, and be conscious of the fact that the exam period mucks up your sense of time. What seems like a never ending loop of worrying and studying will be just a few days of cramming when you look back at it, and definitely not the end of the world as you feel now. It’s also a good idea to figure out how you can manage your stress levels – this is a skill that will come in handy later in life. Go running, buy insane amounts of bubble wrap, or try meditating. You’ll be amazed by the difference it makes!


Talking about running: remember that you have to take a break now and then. For one thing, you probably won’t go insane this way, and you’ll also recharge your power to go on a do your best. Try some light exercising every day, even if it’s just 20 minutes on your living room floor. As silly as it feels in the beginning, you’ll soon start looking forward to it! Make sure that you get enough sleep: sleep deprivation is the worst enemy of students. Your brain needs the time to process new information and to rest, so try getting 7 or 8 hours a day, even if it means that you spend less time with your books.


This is the worst. You could do without sleep or food, but no social media? Sadly, wasting time on the internet is the most common form of procrastination, since your phone or laptop is always nearby, and it’s soooo tempting to refresh your feed…. and boom, there goes 2 hours you could’ve spent studying.  It looks like a dire step, but deactivating your social media profiles can be a big help. You’re not very likely to miss anything much if you are inactive for a few weeks, and this will definitely boost your effectiveness. If you think this is just one step too far for you, you can also try setting up reward times when you can check social media, or you might consider downloading one of the many apps that block you for a certain amount of time.

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