Communication and Media Science
About the Communication and Media Science Program
Duration of studies: 3 years (6 semesters)
Communication and the media have become an integral part of our everyday life. They are not only indispensable for work but they play an essential role in almost every activity imaginable. The latest developments in technology provide opportunity for an immediate reaction to any event.
Therefore, new applications, such as Web 2.0 based technology, are of paramount importance for us. Our aim is to transfer the in-depth knowledge and skills needed to understand and master the constantly evolving tools of communication in a spirit that enables graduates to use the novel means of communication and the media in a responsible way preparing students to face any future challenge.
This program is designed for students who:
are open, creative and well-informed with good communication skills, who are ready to face challenges, ask questions and stand by their opinion. Shape opinions, inform and entertain by using the tools of creative communication.
- International communication Integrated media
Specializations are launched only if the minimum of 15 students wish to join the specialization.
Important featrures of this program:
- teaching creative communication: writing, speaking and problem solving skills; development of critical thinking and negotiating abilities; learning techniques of assertiveness
- social media teaching: understanding the new type of communications and the radical changings of social media publicity and conscious usage of it; features of social networks
- project-based education: providing the opportunity for students to experience team work and active creativity learning to use the media tools
- integrated approach
Career opportunities:
- journalist, editor, press officer, spokesperson
- mid-level management position in PR
- advertising and marketing
- salesperson, event organizer
- international affairs officer
Core subjects:
Theory of Communication; Advertising and Media Planning; Digital Marketing (New Media Marketing and Advertising Trends); Public Relations Theory and Practice; Social studies; Network communications; Multimedia tools; Creative communication; Principles of Marketing; Media Market; Media Law; Media-skills Training