
About the Psychology Program

Studying psychology will start with a series of introductory courses dealing with core elements of the subject. This will often involve the exploration of mental health, childhood and development as well as required scientific fundamentals. The general aim of the program is to contribute to the intellectual and personal development of each student. Some students will choose to pursue more advanced studies in specialized areas, whereas others will choose to develop their studies within a broader educational experience before moving into a career in a wide range of employment sectors. During the next few years of studying psychology, the focus will become more specialized, dealing with topics such as cognitive processes, neuroscience and the psychology of certain groups of people, for example criminals, victims of abuse or trauma, and the elderly. In your final year you will typically be required to carry out your own original research, collecting data through observation or scientific study of the brain. The major in psychology provides students with a basic knowledge in the social, medical, and humanistic roots of the field, and endows them with the skills necessary for quantitative and qualitative research in areas like: behavior psychology, general and cognitive psychology, evolutionary psychology (ethology, sociobiology, adaptive designs in human thinking and behavior, etc.), psychophysiology, developmental psychology (learning, communication, etc.), organizational and workplace psychology and clinical psychology.

Students graduating with a B.A. in psychology are equipped not only for graduate-level work field, but also are ready to pursue careers in human resources the health industry, counseling, education and human services. Many psychology graduates work in diverse occupations that do not carry the title 'psychologist' because the skills acquired while studying psychology transfer readily to various spheres in the world of work and provide an excellent general education. The skills that you will learn while studying psychology, which may be of value to you in future careers, include information finding, oral and written communication, numeracy, computer literacy, time-management, problem solving, group working and the ability to carry out independent research.

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Where You Can Attend This Program

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