Veterinary Medicine
About the Veterinary Medicine Program
Duration of studies: 5.5 years (11 semesters)
The curriculum for veterinary medicine takes five and a half years and parallels the standard curriculum found in most European veterinary programs. During the first two (preclinical) years students study Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Zoology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Ethology, Agrareconomics, Botany, Biomathematics and Computer Application. English, Latin and Hungarian languages can be chosen as optional courses. During the next three (clinical + paraclinical) years, the curriculum includes Animal Breeding, Pathology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Microbiology, Pathophysiology, Parasitology, Animal Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, Food Hygiene, Forensic Veterinary Medicine, Animal Hygiene, Epizoology and State Veterinary Medicine. The 11th (practical) semester includes practical work at the Faculty Clinics and faculty-associated institutions. Practical work at the school's Field Stations and State Farms as well as with practitioner veterinarians is part of the curriculum.
The entire curriculum (devided into core subjects and electives) consists of more than 5000 hours, a curriculum standard for the European Community. Before the conclusion of the degree program the students must submit a thesis and take a state examination.
Hungary is a full member of the European Union. The degree received at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Budapest is accepted automatically by the member countries of the Union and in several countries of the world. The graduates of our English-language program - coming mainly from the Scandinavian area (esp. Norway and Sweden), Ireland, Israel, UK, Greece, Cyprus and Canada - report on equal chances with graduates in their home countries.